Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Update on our options

First, we want to say thank you all for your prayers, thoughts and advice.

Just so you know, we are not giving up by any means. Money is the least considered factor, but we still need to keep it in mind (not rich, just saved awhile to afford this). We've looked at our options realistically. We contacted Washoe County Child Protection Services about an update for the HS. No fees for this, but we need to do another background check which takes about 10 days. Ouch. The state background checks take 2 weeks on a good day and that is expedited. Redoing the medicals could be done probably without any problems. Then, if we got the dossier there on time, it still needs to be translated which I imagine could be expedited as well. The most significant factor is whether we actually have a June 4th appointment. There is a translator which is going to check on this today (Wed Ukraine time).

We are giving our current facilitator one chance to keep us and that's to get us a date with the existing dossier. The date would have to be verified by the letter from the SDA. We are also looking for another facilitator that will take us and hopefully has a submittal date for later this year. As I said before, we aren't giving up.

One other option we are looking into is changing countries (we have one in mind). This is an option we can pursue now to see the viability. I only see Ukraine becoming harder next year with more uncertainties, but that didn't prevent us this last year. We still have options and are not closing any doors. I know many of you have had similar problems that you've overcome. With prayers, tenacity and some luck, we will overcome this as others have.

Thank you everyone for putting up with my rants and vents. I think I'm done with that and hope to get back to posting positive forward movement soon. Thank you again :-).

1 comment:

junglemama said...

Thank you for updating us. It sounds like a great plan!